LEAP#256: dialing back the #BoldportClub Pease #1 to a low-frequency light-dependent blinky.
Oct 15, 2016 builds resources p01-peaseContributed by @tardate on Oct 15, 2016
dialing back the #BoldportClub Pease #1 to a low-frequency light-dependent blinky. I joined the Boldport Club rather late, and missed out on the original Pease kit (now out of stock). But I did manage to snaffle the PCB in sale of “Just Less the Perfect” boards. My full build notes are in the LittleArduinoProjects repo.
Since I was kit-less, I decided to experiment a bit. Firstly, I’m using a 20kΩ LDR for input rather than a phototransistor. Secondly, after testing the original circuit on a breadboard, I decided to slow down the frequency.