LED reflow (sped up)

Contributed by @Loph on Jan 21, 2017

Reflowing the LEDs on TheMatrix (follow-up on this post):

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Boldport Club Project 9 - PissOff build album

Contributed by @Loph on Jan 21, 2017

Here’s the imgur album that I made during the build. I put the project together over the holidays, so the sounds PissOff plays might not be appropriate when you watch this :D

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LEAP#285 The TAP

Contributed by @tardate on Jan 15, 2017

Harking back to an old Boldport project, which harks back to a 1974 Elektor article .. and the main IC (7400 NAND gate) is still available! My full build notes are in the LittleArduinoProjects repo.

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Boldport Club Project 1 'Pease' using SMD components.

Contributed by @Loph on Jan 13, 2017

I subscribed to the Boldport Club in March 2016, just in time to get the Cordwood Puzzle. The Pease kit was sold out in the store by then, so I was happy to be able to get the bare board as part of the ‘Just less than perfect bundle 1’. :) Here’s the imgur album that I made during the build and a video of it functioning:

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