Boldport Club Project 3 - Cordwood Puzzle

Contributed by @Lophification on Dec 9, 2016

@Loph shared his imgur album of wonderful pictures of the Cordwood Puzzle build first image

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LEAP#276: Variable Speed Runway LEDs (inspired by the Pease)

Contributed by @tardate on Dec 1, 2016

in the vein of “now I have a hammer, everything looks like a nail” …I found a new application of the LM331! I was introduced to the LM331 when I built the Pease project. I wanted to drive some variable-frequency LED effects without taxing the MCU. Many ways of doing this, but my solution uses the LM331. This is just a small part of a larger project (hence my desire for no processor overhead). My full build notes are in the LittleArduinoProjects repo. Sneak peek:

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Another #BoldportClub project finished: Touchy (#7) featuring @siliconlabs EFM8SB1 Sleepy Bee MCU!

Contributed by @Lophification on Nov 10, 2016

Another #BoldportClub project finished: Touchy (#7) featuring @siliconlabs EFM8SB1 Sleepy Bee MCU! image

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#BoldportClub project 1 (Pease) made with SMD components! @verdugow @annaglz @boldport

Contributed by @Lophification on Nov 9, 2016

#BoldportClub project 1 (Pease) made with SMD components! @verdugow @annaglz @boldport image

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